Check out the London Sundance Festival. Linked to the Sundance Festival in the U.S., the London Festival promises a huge line-up of cinema and music for every film aficionado out there. The festival starts on Friday 25th April and runs through until Sunday 27th April, and will show the cream of the independent cinema crop as well as panels and talks. Tickets are still on sale here , but they look set to go like hotcakes, so get there quick. Also, budding film-makers have the chance to purchase the Shorts Workshop package which is a Sunday seminar with advice, discussions and practical lessons. There are also tickets available for the Opening Night Party, so why not get yourself down there? For more information on the Sundance London Festival and ticket information go here .
I have a confession. I love films. Some might say I'm a geek but I'm sure there are others like me, lurking in the shadows, coveting the latest box-set like the one ring to rule them all. We are a secretive breed, perfectly ordinary looking (most of the time), keeping our love of film under wraps. Well, I thought it time to bear hug my film nerd status. I hope you enjoy and please join the debate. Go on, embrace your inner (or outer) film nerd too. You know you want to.