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I have a confession. I love films. I can't remember a time when films were not a part of my life and it's getting worse.

Some might say I'm a geek but I'm sure there are others like me, lurking in the shadows, coveting the latest box-set like the one ring to rule them all. We are a secretive breed, perfectly ordinary looking (most of the time), keeping their love of film under wraps. Ask the next person you see about their latest trip to the cinema and you will spot us; we are the ones whose eyes shine in a slightly manic way as we start to speak excitedly about plot and lighting.

Well, I know that there are loads of film blogs out there but I thought it was time to confess and embrace my film nerd status by commenting on and reviewing films, from the latest releases to classic favourites, and delving into the world of film through favourite scenes, fanboy facts and even some more technical and analysis posts for the real film nerd out there. I hope that you will enjoy; please join the debate and before you know it you will embrace your inner (or outer) film nerd too. Go on, you know you want to.


  1. Thanks Sam, I'm glad you have decided to join this elite clan. Greetings. x


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