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Anti-Valentine’s Day with a Difference

Sick of the schmaltz and annoying adverts, even looking for a good movie is hijacked by the usual Valentine’s day agenda. A quick search brings a million anti-Valentine’s Day movie lists with the usual suspects: Fatal Attraction, Kramer vs Kramer, divorce, broken hearts, blah, blah, blah.
Who wants to watch that kind of misery on Valentine’s Day (okay so some people do, and all power to them, but it’s still all about Valentine’s Day).

Check out this alternative anti-Valentine’s Day movie list and crack open some popcorn for a fun-filled night of single-dom.

First things first, anything by Quentin Tarantino
Let’s face it, a blood spattered dose of ultra-stylish direction will have you glued to your seat.
Recommended: Inglorious Basterds or Pulp Fiction (avoid Deathproof. Sorry Mr Tarantino, but it was not your best).

Goodfellas – Always worth a watch, and nothing says romance like gangsters, cocaine and domestic violence. Enjoy.

Scream – A good old fashioned horror with a twist. Enjoy the horror film geek in-jokes and Kevin Williamson’s sparkling script, and revisit this classic horror. To have seen it before is to know why it works as an anti-Valentine movie, and if it’s a first watch then it’s time to find out.

Zombieland – Although there is an element of romance, comedy and zombies wins every time. For an alternative in the rom-zom-com genre try Shaun of the Dead.

Die Hard – Any Die Hard film is often a good solution to a movie quandary. Enjoy the classic action and chuckle at John McClane’s one liners. Perfect.

Hot Fuzz – The second Simon Pegg offering in the list, but what says anti-Valentine’s more than the love between a man and his, er, friend. A good buddy movie is always a reminder of how fantastic friends are. For a more girly version of this why not try: 

Outrageous Fortune – Okay so it’s not great but it is fun.
Heavenly Creatures – Twisted, fascinating and chilling.
Thelma and Louise – The ultimate women’s road movie. We salute you Mr Scott.

That should be enough to be getting on with. Join in the conversation and add some of your own in the comments section. Happy anti-Valentine’s Day, and remember, for a fellow film geek, a good film and some popcorn solve all the world’s ills.


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