Director Roland Emerich of Independence Day fame is determined to destroy the White House again in
White House Down which is big, enjoyable and full of action. This is what a silly action movie should look like. The characters are engaging and likable in a way that was missing from this year's
previous White House destroyer Olympus Has Fallen starring Gerard Butler. Channing Tatum makes a very good action hero with a heart, and the always excellent Jamie Foxx is a joy as the President. This movie also benefits from the heavyweight acting talents of James Woods and Maggie Gyllenhaal, and both give great performances that are seamless and skilfully played. Joey King, who plays Cale's daughter Emily, did very well in this movie and it looks like King might be one to watch.
Despite the serious acting talent, this is not a serious movie, and there are moments when action sequences border on the ridiculous, but by this time the movie is in full swing and they are just part of the ride. White House Down carries enough humour and heart to really engage and the cinematography is slick and good looking. Completely throwaway, this movie isn't going to win any awards any time soon, but for a fun filled, action packed thrill ride of a film look no further.
3 and a half stars. Big, brash, loud and boisterous. Looking for a fun actioner? Look no further.
For further information about White House Down visit here.
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